Yo sí estuve en Washington: esto es lo que vi y lo que pienso.


LifeSiteNews reports on matters of life, faith, family, and culture. Since 1973, the United States has lived under a deformed law that dehumanized an entire segment of humanity and has resulted in at least 60 million dead babies. Let that number sink in.

More recently, unelected judges have decided that the fundamental reality of biologically determined gender is unlawful. Just this week, Democrats in the House of Representatives banned the use of terms such as mother and father, son and daughter. LifeSiteNews has never condoned political violence in any way – indeed, the whole pro-life movement is an anti-violence movement, opposing violence committed against defenseless humans – but we also realize we cannot be blind to the terrible legal, political, and cultural damage that has been and continues to be perpetrated by the radical left. Theirs is a totalitarian mindset which allows no dialogue, no debate, no law, and no order.

Te puede interesar: Donald Trump: “¡Tenemos que tener paz, así que váyanse a su casa! Los amamos son muy especiales”.

Today’s violence at the U.S. Capitol is not an isolated incident. It is the result of ever increasing and ever oppressive state-sanctioned lawlessness that has only ever become a matter for debate to the political class but which is becoming intolerable to mainstream America.

Mientras cubría los eventos de hoy en persona en Washington, D.C., vi un retrato de la América central: abrumadoramente cristiana, pero racialmente diversa, con personas de todas las edades y de todos los rincones del país. Sí, la gente estaba molesta por el flagrante fraude electoral y el abuso de la ley electoral que ocurrió bajo la cobertura de COVID-19. Sí, la gente entendió que la mayoría del Partido Republicano no iba a respaldar a Trump en sus demandas (después de todo, Trump fue elegido precisamente porque tenía la columna vertebral de la que carecen la mayoría de los políticos republicanos). Sí, había hombres y mujeres jóvenes que parecían que no les importaría mucho una pelea con Antifa. Pero no vi a un solo partidario de Trump pidiendo caos y caos como presenciamos con BLM todo este verano.

Lo que vi fue mucha gente que ama a Dios y ama a su país. Y la gran, gran mayoría de ellos realmente eran abrumadoramente pacíficos.

We will not know who stepped over the line from protest to mob until the investigations (which are surely forthcoming) are conducted, but we do know one thing: When a long train of abuses are piled one atop another with ever increasing oppressiveness, and freedom and democracy are blatantly flaunted and crushed as they were in this November’s elections and the fascistic COVID lockdowns that essentially put most of America under house arrest, the people will respond, and not always peacefully.

The violent events that occurred in Washington, D.C. are not good for America, but let’s not kid ourselves: Trump did not cause them by demanding election integrity. Decades and decades of increasing lawlessness and government tyranny did.

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